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Information and Pricing on Photo Shoots



Welcome to Madame Terra Lupus Photography!

Interested in setting up a photo shoot with me? Then please read the following for it has all the information you will need


  • 30 minutes of shoot time. Unedited photos - $10 per person

  • 30 minutes of shoot time. Edited photos. - $15 per person

  • 1 hour of shoot time. Unedited photos. - $20 per person

  • 1 hour of shoot time. Edited photos. - $25 per person


I can do traveling shoots, such as meeting you at a location to do a photo shoot but, you must pay a travel fee. How much that will be, depends on how far I must travel. I will also only travel to mostly Pennsylvania areas. Maybe surrounding states but very unlikely.

I will travel very small distance when at conventions but it must be within the area of the convention that is taking place. 

If any other questions on pricing and information please do feel free to message me.Thank you! 



Must fill the following form to schedule a shoot( So can fit into schedule and know what I am photographing):



If you have any questions please message me via email at:

Thanks you! :)

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